Account setting options
With the PlayNC master accounts and all that, its hard to keep track of things. I took a 6 month(about that) break from guild wars, and forgot my master and password for it. I cant change my email address (that i dont use anymore), and i cant change my password, except for a reset. They need to have the old options back, not the extra baloney you have to deal with. I dont mean just the old options, they should be buffed. Have 3-5 questions, regarding you personally, like the plaync accounts currently have. Things like, mothers maiden name etc. After answering these, you should have to enter a previously used password, then gain access to your settings. If someone logged onto your account (considering they arent your best friend), they wouldnt be able to guess your questions, and your password. The old system was horrid, once you get on an account you have complete control over it. (almost.) I myself, as well as others i believe, would like the old options back. Suggestions? Yes? No?
Last edited by apatheticyeh; Sep 21, 2007 at 12:12 AM // 00:12..